Different Shores , Same Struggle.

The following letter was sent for publishing in an upcoming article of 'Gammadion' magazine, based in Athens, Greece. I think it is best presented here in text form rather than as a scan. This is so that it may be easily copied and pasted, and hopefully posted or e-mailed around the web.

This is exactly how it was sent:

Originally written for ‘Gammadion’ - Athens, Greece - April 10, 2005


Greetings from America fellow White brothers! My name is Robert, and I live in Northern California, which is a distinct geographical region here. I am of Italian descent, descended from the many Italians, mainly from Liguria, Toscana, and Piemonte who migrated to Northern California from the 1850s to the 1930s. There also were many Sicilians and Calabrese who settled here too. We started the huge agricultural industry in California back then. When we moved into an untouched rural area, in no time there were plantation farms, dairy farms, vineyards, houses, roads, gardens, blacksmiths, glassworks, wood mills, ranches, etc.

We started the world famous wine industry in Napa county. We took the initiative and did all of this through our own honest toil, and soon there were many beautiful farm estates dotted all throughout this area, and why not? We did all of the work ourselves, which is in dramatic contrast to the third world immigrant today. They are given everything, including hiring quotas, whether they’re qualified or not, they are coddled to in every way with our tax payer funds, they fully expect us to accept an endless stream of them without complaint, and all they do is complain about how evil we are because of our “racism.” According to them, the answer to any question about their lack of performance in almost every area must be “racism.” \

I am sure that now those of you in Europe are well acquainted with all of the social problems that non-white/third-world immigrants bring with them. They are about 90% of the world, and now they want our children’s future too! Now, after four decades of this massive invasion, they are now the majority population in this state. Big “Agribusiness,” controlled by Jews on Wall Street in New York City, have taken over this industry and brought in literally millions of non-whites to do the work for minimum wage. The same story again and again, “big corporations and third world labor pushing out the White man.” The following fact may seem difficult to believe, but every morning when we awake here, about 10,000 more illegal immigrants have crossed over our almost non-existent southern border the previous night, 365 nights a year.

There are numerous issues that I wanted to touch upon, but first I should mention this war we have been directed and contrived into by our own “misleaders.” Virtually all of us in the “White Nationalist Movement” here, we hate our government. Everything they do, they do illegally “in our name.” Most Americans don’t want “World Government” at all, they just want to be left alone like all of the other peoples of the world. But the resources of America are predominantly what are being used to establish this goal. All of it through “borrowed money” (America is broke; 7 trillion-plus dollars in debt), which puts us even further into the debt of these same Internationalist Bankers. The 14th Amendment in 1868 in America changed our Nation from a “Sovereign Nation State” (united states of America) into a “Transnational Corporate State” (UNITED STATES CORPORATION). In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was established here by the World Banking Cartels to control our government. In 1951, the CIA was founded by the Council on Foreign Relations to serve as the chief strong-arm for the International Banks.

These are the same International Bankers which have funded both sides of every war since the mid-nineteenth century. They are the same International Bankers who have brought us the United Nations and all of it’s offshoots, as well as the European Union and the soon-to-be “American Union,” just to name a few. One fact, which gauges the raw power of these big bankers, is the following. The Rothschild Banking Family’s combined wealth is upwards of 400 trillion dollars, while America’s combined wealth is only about 8 trillion dollars. It is no wonder how they can afford at least the initial funding of all of these globalist institutions, as well as funding an endless list of “subversive social leftist” organizations all around the world (mostly through the great tax-exempt foundations). They influence every area of society (like education) to “mold our minds” in many areas (ex: to destroy nationalism, racialism, etc.)

The halls of our White House are filled with “unelected advisors” representing huge transnational corporations and banks. Of all of the taxes we pay to our government, we are probably lucky to get back 20% of it in services. Much of it goes overseas to fund the New World Order agenda. Just like our government, all of our mainstream media bosses are CFR members too. In addition, virtually all of our mainstream media is controlled by only five corporations. To be more specific, it is absolutely a wash, all Jews! This war is being directed by a Zionist “front group” called “The Project for the New American Century” (PNAC).

Their website is This group is in control of our nation right now. I can’t go into greater detail on this because it would take too much space, but I at least wanted to touch upon it.

Perhaps the single most important aspect of the emerging “New World” that is being created by these Universalists is the push for “Economic/Corporate/Financial Fascism” AND “Social/Racial/National Marxism.” It’s not literally “Fascism,” but some of the mechanics of Fascism are being implemented into a Global Plutocratic system. The Social Marxist agenda, which is being engineered for the common man (98% of us), is right out in the open, and you certainly don’t need examples. Obviously they want to destroy all racial and national loyalty, redistribute OUR wealth only (not theirs), end all property rights, and establish the UN as the World Government. The UN agenda is a huge subject that I’m sure you do not need me to expand upon. What passes for the “free market” or “free enterprise” is really “MONOPOLY CAPITALISM,” plain and simple. My beliefs are geared towards practically the exact opposite of this. I believe in “Social Conservatism/Far-Rightism” mixed with a left-leaning economic system. For example, I believe in Labor Unions. I prefer privately owned companies to “Transnational Corporations,” as well as privately owned banks, educational institutions, etc.

I don’t even believe in any type of “Stock Market.” I don’t believe in free trade of any kind. Buying a foreign product is perfectly fine, just pay a higher price to make up for high tariffs. For example, if I wanted a particular wine from Tuscany, then I will pay $16 dollars instead of $10 dollars for a local Napa wine. This would protect our economy, as well as reward foreign companies for having a fine product, and other nations should do the same. A foreign company should not even operate in another country, but should have import partners in any nation in which they wish to operate. Through international trade shows, we all would know what the finest products are anywhere in the world, and we could reward those companies by paying the higher price for their fine products. There would be much more “honest competition” in this type of system. This would be a win-win situation or all.

The most important part of this, is that a Nation’s economic system should fully support and serve the social heart of a Nation, the family. The state’s main mission in a Western Nation should be to serve the White Working Class, everything else should be of less importance. It should honor motherhood and fatherhood, instead of the current degenerate “Corporate Humanist” idea that the Corporate State owns our children. The UN wants eventually for all of our educational institutions to base everything on “corporate need,” where THEY will decide what our children will do for the rest of their lives. We can disagree on many issues, but we need to all at least agree that we are all “White Separatists.”

A White Separatist today cannot be held responsible for what may have happened before he/she was even born, but can only move towards a hopefully peaceful Separatist State. All races and cultures in the world have the right to Self-Determination and to live under Self-Rule. The White Race makes up only about 10% of the world population (some sources say that it was 30% in the mid-twentieth century), and has a shockingly low birth rate. We need our own Nations, and for them to have as their main issue, to promote a high birth rate. Australia recently did this, and the people responded in dramatic fashion! Think of what a government, which was much more dedicated to our race, could do? We were once very good at having a lot of children, we can do it again, and we must! The 14 Words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.” (David Lane).

Recently, a very leftist-minded woman told me that she understood the “14 Words” but was appalled by any Nazi symbolism or inspiration, which is popular among those in the White Nationalist Movement. I think that I responded correctly by saying: “If you became a White Separatist, I would not care if you hoisted a hammer and sickle above your head.” Using a Swastika or the number 88 are, among other things, “protest symbols.” There are 50,000 Skinheads in Russia, so one could argue that “why are Russians glorifying Hitler?” It's not about that anymore. Hitler was a “German Nationalist” first, but we are moving towards a “World White Consciousness and Unity.” World War II was a long time ago.

The ultimate goal of our lifetime should be the establishment of “Five Homelands” for European Man/Western Man/The White Caucasian Race. It has been said that in order to be part of Western Civilization, you must be able to trace all of your roots back to “Europe in 1492.” Well, one could almost say Europe just prior to WWII. The "Five Homelands" should be regions with mild climate, which are either north or south of the tropics. These regions are: 1) Europe, 2) North America (north of the Rio Grande), 3) Australia/New Zealand, 4) Argentina (including Chile, Uruguay, and the Sao Paulo State), and 5) South Africa. Europe should go back to being a continent of sovereign Nations with borders. Sub-Saharan Africa's population is going to thin out quite a bit in the coming decades. We can reclaim the south eventually. It would be a perfect place for as many millions of Romanians, Albanians, and other Whites who are recently freed from Communism and want their chance to branch out. The old Afrikaners, if there are any left, can have a piece of it, and others can be allowed to have land grants to establish their own communities. These homelands will be for “Whites Only.”

I grew up in a dying neighborhood just south of San Francisco. There was more violence than you could imagine, especially in the schools. I will not give examples, because they’re too numerous, and it would take up too much space. I can only give you my word that it can get crazier than you can probably imagine when third-world non-whites take over a neighborhood or town in a Western Nation. Unlike a third-world setting where they may be happy just to be able to eat, in a White Nation they develop attitudes like “they owe us” or “take them for everything they’ve got.” The first ones who move in are very nice, they want to fit in, but once they begin to take over, they lose their fear and begin to revert into what they truly are. After I was out of High School, I moved twenty-five miles south, to a comfortable town. I could walk down the street without fear.

Unfortunately, the White people who lived there took this for granted. They avoided places like the one I lived in for the first 19 years of my life. They were guided by altruistic racial ideas. One day, a few years after that, I was in a place which was not all that far from where I grew up. This was an area where the same types of people were just in the process of taking over, and it is always first felt in the schools, the violence. This was in a still very nice town, which has a lot of people of Italian descent. I was walking into a corner grocery store and I saw something written on the side of the building which said, “Italian White Power.” I would guess that it was written by a youth, a boy who was seeing first hand how his school was being “transformed.” Often children have more sense than adults, more instinct without “fear of judgment.” That boy was the one seeing the daily violence, not the adults.

Once I read of a group of Skinheads in Rome who were caught beating up a group of North Africans who were sleeping in the streets surrounding the Coliseum one night. One of them was a 14-year-old girl. I felt bad that this youth had to be arrested for defending her Nation, or that she was even being put in that situation by her so-called “government.” That boy and girl are really no different from each other, even though they live far away from one another.

One issue that is important to us around the world is “Unity.” We should build a consensus, and “agree to disagree” with each other. In America, the tradition of the “Racialist Movement” started on the left because of labor. Later it shifted almost entirely to the right. Now it has begun shifting a bit left in recent years. We should at least agree on the “14 Words” and that our loyalties should be to: 1) Our Family, 2) Our Race, 3) Our Nation, and in that order too.

They must all work together, there's no other way. One cannot be ignored, ever. If we can just agree on that, then we can find the “common ground.” Don't abandon your other positions at all. Bring them to the table. Believe me when I say that, religious/spiritual beliefs aside, there is a “truth” to all of this. It's muddled, it's under the surface, but it's there. There can be a million lies, but only one “truth.” In the vast majority of issues, we can find the common ground, but there are a few where we will have to take a hard stand. Symbols change over time.

A Swastika means something a little bit different today than it meant decades ago. The American flag means something different than it did before. I think symbols are important though. This is why I told that woman last week that if she was at least on the side of White children, then I would not care what other positions she took, or even if she wanted to wave a Communist flag. We should never lose focus from the main issue: "What is good for the White European Race is the highest virtue. Whatever is bad for the White European Race is the ultimate Evil." (Ben Klassen). In Leftist training manuals, they tell their people to “Organize Organize Organize,” and to “Agitate Agitate Agitate.” It does seem to work. We all should try to keep in the fight everyday. Recently I got one of our friends, Bob Whitaker, an interview on the Radio Liberty program. I did this with a few phone calls and e-mails to the right people. I felt that I had accomplished something. Here in California, one of our martyrs is Joseph Tommasi, who was assassinated at the age of only 24. He was the founder of the National Socialist Liberation Front. His slogan was: “The future belongs to those willing to get their hands dirty.”

One time in Hollywood, the big shots were having a premiere of yet another Holocaust epic. Many big names came to be seen and to impress their Jewish masters. Tommasi had some of his men, and probably himself too, sneak up to the building after the premiere had started. Then they sprang into the building and threw smoke bombs down the isles. All of the rats inside came out screaming. Later they found an attached message which read something like “Greetings from your local Nazi Party.” Now that is real agitation! I have found that organizing behind the guise of a “heritage society” or an “important issue” is a good way to operate without drawing attention from law enforcement. To disguise yourself.

California, and especially San Francisco, are extremely “Social Leftist.” There is a big price to be paid for standing up for your race here. This is due to many of these people migrating here over decades. I should mention again that we hate both parties of our government, who are controlled by the very same people. Even with this truly being “enemy territory,” in San Francisco some years ago, a group of Skinheads began operating in a very leftist part of the city called the “Haight-Ashbury” district. There are so many eccentric people walking around there that the Skins just seemed to fit right in. Perhaps the people thought that they were just some type of punk rockers or something.

This was a largely White neighborhood made up of leftists from all over America. The neighborhood was partially separated from a very high crime area by a big park. The leftists, even though they would not admit it, were terrified of the Blacks who infested the park, and they avoided it after many of them were attacked there. To make a long story short, the Skinheads took over the park. They drove the crime element out with brute force and violence. It again became a popular place to hang out. Then the police began to drive the Skins away from the park. They succeeded and the park again became a haven for drug dealers and violence. They called the police “The boys in blue, who serve the Jew.” In fact, the police hide on a hillside in San Francisco all night long, 365 days a year, to protect a particular “Holocaust Memorial” here. Of course, there are no memorials to the 20-plus million Russian Christians who were murdered, mostly by Jews, in Soviet death camps. In San Francisco’s Sunset District about four years ago, the police broke up a large group of mainly Irish-descended White Nationalist youth who were trying to clean up their neighborhood from the criminal element.

“The system is Universalist and controlled by transnational corporations and secret societies. Any entity that opposes that control is an ally. Whites are best served existing separately and being self sufficient at this time. Understand that less than 1% rule and it only takes 1% to change that rule. Do not worry about the masses. They go with the winners no matter which side it is. Revolution is a spectator sport.” (Tom Metzger, Founder of the White Aryan Resistance [WAR] here in California).

The enemy is at the gate, we have to face this thing. The book ‘Camp of the Saints’ is coming true right before your eyes. In America, powerful Jews were pushing for third-world immigration even in the early 20th century, documented and provable. In 1965, when our immigration laws were finally changed, our Nation was over 90% White, and the Blacks were segregated. We basically had a fully White Nation! One can imagine a quiet street in America in 1965, the calm before the storm. Now it is madness, especially in our bigger cities. No matter how much the odds are stacked against us by ZOG, we need to keep confronting them, much like the mongoose stands up to the cobra. Let us never forget the Spartans at Thermopylae! "What we do in life echoes an eternity" (from the movie ‘Gladiator’).

“I’ll use anything within my disposal, any method, any tool, anything I have to to ensure the survival of our race. And I may go to hell for doing this, but if I can look up and see White boys and girls playing in a decent, safe, and wholesome America, then bring on the devil with its worst.” (Bill Riccio, Founder, Aryan National Front, 1993, ‘Skinheads: Soldiers of the Race War’).

I love my people! I love White people all over the world. We may be in San Francisco, Chicago, Montreal, Barcelona, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Buenos Aires, Johannesburg, or Melbourne, but we are all part of “Western European Man,” and we need to finally, for the first time in history, get on the same side to face the fight of our lives. The final battle to decide if we are going to survive or vanish from the earth forever. If we can do this, then our destiny is limitless. We can colonize other planets. I wanted to end with the following quote:

“All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.” -- T. E. Lawrence, ‘The Seven Pillars of Wisdom’

Yours in Blood,

Robert *********

Director, AIWSF (American Italian White Separatist Front)

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Δημοσίευση σχολίου

Για να επικοινωνήσετε άμεσα με την συντακτική ομάδα μας καθώς και για συνεργασία στην αρθρογραφία, νέες κυκλοφορίες βιβλίων και περιοδικών, ενημέρωση σχετικά με νέα ιστολόγια, απορίες, διαφωνίες, μουσικά νέα ή labels, ομιλίες και εκδηλώσεις, προτάσεις στην ηλεκτρονική μας διεύθυνση:

Η συντακτική ομάδα δημοσιεύει άμεσα κάθε σχόλιο. Ωστόσο δεν υιοθετούμε τις απόψεις αυτές καθώς εκφράζουν αποκλειστικά τον εκάστοτε σχολιαστή.

Σχόλια με ύβρεις διαγράφονται χωρίς προειδοποίηση.

Ο κάθε αναγνώστης μπορεί να εντοπίζει τη θεματική περιοχή που τον ενδιαφέρει από το πλαίσιο δεξιά του ιστολογίου που αναγράφονται στο μενού αρχειοθέτησης ιστολογίου.

Οι διαχειριστές δεν πρόκειται να απαντήσουν σε υβριστικά ή προβοκατόρικα σχόλια ή σε ερωτήσεις που οι απαντήσεις δόθηκαν ή θα δοθούν σε άρθρα της.

Απαντήσεις θα υπάρξουν μόνο αν κριθεί απαραίτητο αναλόγως την περίπτωση και σύμφωνα με τους κανόνες λειτουργίας στην ενότητα «Μια υπενθύμιση προς τους αναγνώστες» που θα πρέπει να διαβαστεί ΠΡΩΤΑ πριν υπάρξει επικοινωνία.

Τα σχόλια που θα είναι άσχετα με την κύρια ανάρτηση θα διαγράφονται πλην εξαιρέσεων.

Σχόλια που θα προσπαθούν να δώσουν πληροφορίες σε ιδεολογικούς εχθρούς και στο ανθελληνικό κράτος θα διαγράφονται επίσης.

Σχόλια που θα είναι σε ευγενικά πλαίσια ακόμη και αυτά με αυστηρή κριτική προς την συντακτική ομάδα ή άλλες αυτόνομες και ανένταχτες ομάδες και πολιτικές κινήσεις θα εγκρίνονται αν αυτά συνεισφέρουν στην ενδυνάμωση της κινηματικής δυναμικής.

Τα σχόλια σας να είναι MONO σχετικά με το θέμα, περιεκτικά και ευπρεπή.

Για την καλύτερη επικοινωνία δώστε κάποιο όνομα ή ψευδώνυμο. Διαφημιστικά σχόλια ΔΕΝ δημοσιεύονται.

Επειδή ΔΕΝ υπάρχει η δυνατότητα διόρθωσης του σχολίου σας παρακαλούμε μετά την τελική σύνταξή του να ελέγχεται.

Προτιμάτε την ελληνική γραφή κι όχι την λατινική (κοινώς greeklish). Πολύ σημαντικό είναι να κρατάτε προσωρινό αντίγραφο του σχολίου σας ειδικά όταν είναι εκτενές διότι ενδέχεται να μην γίνει δεκτό από την Google (λόγω μεγέθους) και θα παραστεί η ανάγκη να το σπάσετε σε δύο ή περισσότερα.

Το σχόλιο σας θα δημοσιευθεί, μετά από έγκριση των διαχειριστών. Υβριστικά, ειρωνικά, συκοφαντικά, μη ευπρεπή και προπαγανδιστικά σχόλια θα διαγράφονται ή ΔΕΝ θα δημοσιεύονται.

Οι αναρτήσεις δεν είναι απαραίτητο να εκπροσωπούν το σύνολο της συντακτικής ομάδας.

Επιτρέπεται η αναδημοσίευση των άρθρων με μόνη προϋπόθεση να υπάρχει αναφορά στην πηγή.